“I’ll be your mirror. Reflect what you are. In case you don’t know.”

In a world of ChatGPT and far too many options, it’s not enough to simply say what it is you do. You have to spend time really drilling down on what makes you different.

Sami has helped do that for clients including Burt’s Bees, Larry’s Coffee, Rainforest Alliance, Joro, Dogwood Alliance and Jada Pinkett Smith/Overbrook Entertainment.

With every project, he seeks first to understand the essence of what makes a client or product different - and then to connect that to the values and interests of the audience.

Brian Merchant, author of The One Device

“Nobody knows more about the business of sustainability than Sami Grover.”

Holly Paar, Advancement Director, Dogwood Alliance

“Sami helped us to understand what it was that made us different, and he used that to craft what is probably the single strongest tagline in the forest protection space.”